As the curtains close on 2024, I wanted to give you all a yearly wrap up—and a bit of reflection—to properly close out the year at Ultra Successful.
As a publication, we’ve grown exponentially this year, and we will continue to grow with you at our side. So, thank you. Thank you for reading and sharing us with your teams, employees, friends and even posting snippets across social media. You are part of a developing movement of like-minded, growth-oriented, and ambitious individuals spread across 185 countries worldwide. I get to hear from people globally about the content and how they use it, and you all are a force of nature.
So after the positive reception from last year, the Best of Ultra Successful is back for 2024.
We’ve ranked our top 10 editions of the year based on your activity, so if you need to catch up on—or want to revisit—some of our most popular editions of this year (including my favorite!) and get some mind fuel while relaxing by the fire during the holidays, continue on. And if you’re new to Ultra Successful, or planning on gifting someone a subscription, this post is a great place to get started!
To everyone building, shaping, and climbing their own ambitions: I see you, you’ve got this, and keep going—I know I will be. Let’s set the stage for an incredible year ahead.
Over 2024, Ultra Successful has nearly doubled its number of posts—reaching over 250 since our launch in October 2022—which means there’s a lot of incredible content to work through.
Here’s a quick recap of 10 of the best editions of 2024 that are definitely worth revisiting:
1. What is Hard Work, Anyway?
In the race to the top, are you (and/or your team) truly committed to what it takes? This edition explores what it *really* means to work hard—and the sacrifices you’ll have to make to get there. As our #1 driver for subscribers this year, and a top-liked article, it clearly left an impact on our readers.
2. The Rules are Not for You
We all have “imaginary rules,” but those at the top know how to find ways to ditch the rules and myths that hold the majority back. Use this top-liked, shared, and subbed article to learn to think more like the ultra-successful and release the shackles of imaginary constraints.
3. Expect the Best & Get It
Some say you shouldn’t have high expectations, and this will turn that misconception on its head. Released on New Year’s Day in 2024, “Expect the Best & Get It” encourages you to raise your bar, and was given flying colors across the board by Ultra Successful readers.
4. Psychology of Maximum Effectiveness
Everybody liked this one, and it hit a major pain point for many. Feel like you’re working but not getting the outcomes you want? This edition focuses on the power of reclaiming your time and focus, through reflection and elimination, so you can be at your best.
5. The Mindset of Speed
A consistent trait throughout the top 0.01% is speed. The concept of a “speed limit” is one of many imaginary rules, and this article is all about how to break it. This was my personal favorite article of the year and the one our readers loved sharing with their friends and family.
6. Self-Talk: How You Speak to Yourself Matters Most
Your internal dialogue can make or break your path ahead—and it’s yours to control. Explore how self-talk can transform your actions, environments, and ultimately, your results, and—considering it’s one our most shared articles—it might be worth sending to someone who could use a mindset reset to reach their full potential.
7. Get Your Fire Back
Lost a bit of your mojo? This is a great place to start. “Get Your Fire Back” is one of our most shared and loved articles for a reason: it’s a call to reconnect with the fearless, ambitious version of yourself. Don’t let your fire flicker—claim it.
8. 5 *Real* High-Performance Mental Habits
Skill can only take you so far—at the top, it’s *mindset* that sets high performers apart. This article reveals the *real* mental habits behind their success with actionable insights that have made this one of our top-liked and shared articles. They aren’t the typical elements you see across the internet.
9. Going “All In”
Going “all in” is what separates the ultra-successful from those who are just doing well. Do you really know what it means to go “all in?” Does your team? This top-liked article explores what it means to really go “all in,” and how you can apply it to your own life, to stop holding yourself back and start creating the life you truly want.
10. The Life-Changing Benefits of Being Boring [UNLOCKED]
This article was originally released in 2022, but this year we decided to unlock it in full for all our readers…since then it’s become our 2nd most shared article. It’s the perfect read for anyone considering upgrading to a paid subscription to Ultra Successful. So come see what you’re missing and learn how being boring can help you level up.
Itching for more? Check out The Best of Ultra Successful for 2023: