Thoughts of the Week: February 7, 2025
The cheat code to success and making your mark
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Audacity is perhaps one of the best traits you can have, in any industry, because it marks the difference between playing it safe (staying stagnant) and making your mark (rising above and beyond). It’s the courage to make your voice heard, to take a high-risk higher-reward deal, to push forward groundbreaking ideas and initiatives that are just “unrealistic” or “unreasonable”.
It’s a trust and deep-seated belief in yourself, your capabilities, and your vision—with the zeal to bet on it time and time again.
Those who aren’t audacious? They’ll call you reckless, delusional, or irresponsible. But that’s simply not true.
You’re not reckless, but you *are* bold and calculated.
You don’t ignore risk, but you refuse to let fear stop you, like it stops so many others.
Simply, when you’re bold—when you have audacity—you step outside the box and redefine what’s possible. You not only open doors for yourself and your company, you create new ones.
Today, step out of the box—be bold, and create.
What You Contain. The final paid edition of 2024, a personal letter from me, and a self-reflection for you: What *do* you contain?
2025 Let’s Go: Mindset, Traction, & Your Golden Levers. The world doesn’t reward effort, it rewards results: learn how to position yourself to get the results you want.
No More “Good Intentions”—Make the Choice. There’s a massive gap between saying you’ll do something and doing the thing—learn how to bridge that gap in your own personal and professional lives.
The Communication Playbook. Learn all about the importance of transparency, when you should be transparent, and when it’s best to keep things to yourself.
Iron Will: How to Build Resolve. Change your perspective and change your world with this article. Make your journey inevitable.
1. You have to be a true believer in your capabilities.
2. ICYMI: I recently talked about drive, talent, and the price of greatness of the Atheltic Fortitude Show with Colin Jonov.
3. Be persistent, be consistent, and never stop moving. X
Very interesting.
Don't you think the biggest blocker to audacity is cultural / educational?
For example, in several countries, it is considered rude to try to stand out, especially where the group is more important than individuals.
Benjamin Franklin, in his 70s, took his grandson on one of those horrid ships of the day and sailed to France to ask the French nobility for funds, ships, munitions and the stuff needed to whip the shit out of the Brits, out of the weirdo, King George. The French hated the Brit's guts with all their might and Mr. Franklin were party animal, as the uber-rich always are and always cover up. The highly respected Dr. Franklin had to wade ashore in nasty tidal currents with his beloved grandson, AND, the French brought the boy out and he learned to party hearty as all joyous people do. The colonies would have been pulverized by lurker-Brit-lover [like Magna is now] and sheer Brit military power if the French Navy had not sent their fleet in to smash the Brits, thanks to Dr. Franklin being a party animal and wanting to get his grandson laid for the first time. Talk about audacious.