Thoughts of the Week: July 14, 2023
Don’t let avoidance hamper your growth.
Next time you feel tempted to run away from a difficult situation, remember that the relief that comes with avoidance is temporary — but overcoming obstacles will help you stack confidence, and it will fuel you through in taking on the next challenge…and the next.
Embrace these difficult situations. They have a flywheel effect when you meet them….turning those hard moments, setbacks, and difficult conversations into things that push you ahead instead of holding you back. What messages are you telling yourself?
Will it be difficult? Yes…but so is pushing a massive boulder across an open field. Even though you might struggle, you’ll also build strength, resolve, and momentum. You’ll be able to see the progress you’ve made — and know exactly what you’re capable of — and that force of self-belief will keep you moving forward further and faster.
Difficult situations are inevitable.
You can avoid them or you can conquer them, but that choice is up to you.