Thoughts of the Week: October 20, 2023
How you show up is just as important as how *often* you show up.
It is always worth challenging the norm. You do not need to have your life figured out in your 20s, and — while it may be controversial — burning the midnight oil, relentless work, and hustling 24/7 don’t have to be done forever.
There are certainly phases when you’ll have to push through and put in extra hours, but never forget that the direction and focus of your work is far more important than the number of hours you put in. Real success is about achieving outcomes…not just the time you are logging.
You need to show up sharp, clear headed, and well-rested for optimal decision-making, optimal mood, and being able to rip through work on the table.
Remember that you are always your most valuable asset on the ground. Use yourself and your focus intentionally and strategically…and take care of that asset to perform at its best. Focus on optimizing your performance — not clocking a certain number of hours — and your work, health, bottom line, and personal life will thank you.
Yes, external validation is like a drug. We should not let it define who we are, self worth comes from within.