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Whoever you are—sitting out there right now, you are playing smaller than you have the capacity for. How does that sit with you?
Maybe it’s a deliberate choice. If so, that’s fine.
Maybe it’s just that you’ve been holding back. Concerned, Cautious, Afraid, or Comfortable.
Playing small can *feel* nice, but it never is. Sure, it protects your downside…but it limits your upside too. Playing it small is playing it safe—but safe is all it is, and safety is constricting. It hinders, holds, and stays progress.
Taking risks can be scary for some, but risks are necessary for any potential to be met.
…And if you’re scared to go and take those first leaps, then do it scared. Do one first step. It’s better to be afraid than stagnant…for many, personally and professionally, taking risks is sometimes the task of life.
Excellent, as always! Thank you for relighting the candle of hope for me. 😊
Love this weekly summary, some great snippets of motivation! Thank you