Four Minute Focus: Obsession Can't Be Beat
Tap into the things that "pull you" forward.
We’ve talked about obsession in past editions of Ultra Successful, but it’s always worth revisiting. Keep this in mind as we move through the week ahead:
Discipline can only push you so far.
Obsession will pull you forward.
Additional Resources:
Interested in learning more about this topic? Check out our paid edition, “Obsess Over the Right Things” here:
You can also listen to my full interview with Shane Parrish on The Knowledge Project here:
To me obsession comes from a combination of passion, AND when external variables (stars) align and we have the right mission, our work aligns with our deepest passions, we have board or executive leadership that is supportive, etc. However, the problem with this is there are often times in our career when we do not have these things aligned and yet we still need to operate at a high level of efficiency and effectiveness.
I’ve been fortunate to have those moments with work when all variables have been in alignment and I run endlessly on my obsession with the passion of achieving numbers and the company mission. However, I have had to learn how to slug it out when times are tough and everything is a challenge and the stars are not aligned. It’s not fun, and discipline is what keeps me going. As Churchill said, “when you’re going through hell…keep going.”
In these times I personally use micro goals to ensure that my effectiveness doesn’t falter. I wish I had an “on” switch for obsession that wasn’t impacted by my environment.
I’d love your thoughts.
Nice way of breaking down push vs. pull... I think there's a balance. For me, I don't struggle with motivation, but I do constantly work on my discipline to get through the "slog".
I train and run for ultramarathons. Motivation has historically gotten me signed up and fueled my big runs and race performances.
But now I'm working on the "push", using motivation to stay ultra consistent with my weekly training over the course of a year to build a strong foundation. Discipline is so powerful in this case. It's the commitment to a day-in/day-out grind of early mornings and consistent training.
I am obsessed with running though (: